Welcome to the new era of your piano experience here, at Chris’Gallery.

Chris’Gallery is a bespoke Piano Club for students who are looking to unlock their full creative potential. Students of Chris’Gallery engages in learning piano by being offered tailored compositions and lessons that serves their level, personality, and interests in its finest quality. In addition, Chris’Gallery offers personal music therapy through in-house crafted pieces of music that are tailored to the member.

Chris’Gallery Tailored Compositions

  • Joshua, 5, working on automobile series

    Engine de Automobile

    Joshua, 5, loves cars. He is currently working with Chris’Gallery to express sound that portrays engines and cars.

  • Nathan, 11, working on exploration series

    Big Blue Sea

    Nathan, 11, loves camping and exploring. He wanted to express about one of his destinations during his exploration. He is currently working with Chris’Gallery for his exploration series.

  • JD, 15, working on Food Series

    Egg Waffles

    JD, 15, loves food. His passion solely lives within food and cooking, and he wanted to play about… egg waffles. At Chris’Gallery, anything is possible and he is now working on Food Series with CG.

From the Founder

The vision of Chris’Gallery will remain the same for years to come. I see my students being able to create anything and everything that they imagine as leaders of our next generation. I am forever grateful to my Majesty for being able to serve my students in the most creative and engaging manner when it comes to fine art. These are the students that will lead every industries through their creativity.

Chris’Gallery Packages

Chris’Gallery Lite

Ideal for young adults

1-2 Tailored Compositions per month or depending on progress (Student picks theme)

Step-by-Step Manual for how to play each compositions

Weekly theoretical and technical etudes prepared tailored in-house by Chris’Gallery that will serve the student’s learning progress.

Unlimited online feedback, discussions via Chris’Gallery Discord channel.

Opportunity to play at our series of Chris’Gallery Concerts.

Chris’Gallery Studio

Only for students based in New York and Long Island...for now!

Everything included in Lite plus:

1 on 1 lesson with Chris with student’s compositions. Additionally, in each lesson the student will engage in:

Composing (Counter Point influenced), music theory, ear training, and improvisation. All references such as books, games, and guides used during the student’s lesson will be made tailored in-house by Chris’Gallery according to the student’s personality, learning curve, learning style, and age.

NYSSMA, ABRSM, and all supplemental exams are all welcome to be worked and signed with Chris’Gallery.

Opportunity to play in Chris’Studio Concert and Chris’Charity Concert.

piano lessons

Chris’Gallery Custom

Ideal for casual students and adults

The student has the option to mix and match between the Lite and Studio packages according to their need and want.

For example. Instead of 1-2 compositions per month, the student would only like 1, but needs a 1 on 1 lesson with Chris! CG Custom package offers specific needs and desires according to the student.

Contact us.

It all begins with an idea.


composing piano lesson
piano student lesson
piano lesson student
11 year old piano student lesson